The purpose of this assignment is to develop awareness of successful communication practices, and communication weaknesses that organizations are facing here and now.  And also to discuss how they affect positively or negatively: a) the well being of the people that work in the organization, b) the well functioning of the organization, c) the effectiveness of the processes use to get the job done, d) the quality of the service provided, etc. And finally e) explain the possible reasons for the major communication strength and weakness. You can select for the purpose of this paper any present or past organization.

The issues to be addressed in this paper are: 1) a major communication strength, and 2) a major communication weakness that you have encountered in the organization. To identify and describe these two communication issues you must first, select an organization; second, conduct some in-depth interviews; and third, write the paper according to the following instructions:  


1. Start with a very brief opening statement on the purpose of the paper and preview main points of the paper. (1/4 of a page; 0.50 points).

2. Describe (briefly) the ORGANIZATION. Type of organization, its mission, where it is located, number of people, structure of the organization, and your responsibilities and tasks. (1/2 a page; 2 points)

3. Identify and analyze a major communication strength and how it affects positively: (2 pages; 6 points)

a) the well being of the people that work in the organization,
b) the well functioning of the organization,
c) the effectiveness of the processes use to get the job done,
d) the quality of the service provided. And finally
e) explain the possible reasons for the major communication strength.

4. Identify and analyze a major communication weakness and how it affects negatively: (2 pages; 6 points)

a) the well being of the people that work in the organization,
b) the well functioning of the organizatio,
c) the effectiveness of the processes use to get the job done,
d) the quality of the service provided, etc. And finally
e) explain the possible reasons for the major communication weakness.

5. Brief conclusion on the relevance of this paper for you. (1/4 of a page; 0.50 points) 


To write this paper you MUST CONDUCT TWO (2) IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS with organizational people. And before you do so you MUST DEVELOPED AN INTERVIEW GUIDE.

Interview Guide Sample:

1. Communication Strength

Questions: (These are the 5 questions and follow-ups to ask to each of your two (2) interviewees)

a) How this communication strength (...) affects positively the well being of the people that work in the organization? Give me some examples.

b) How this communication strength (...) affects positively the well functioning of the organization? Give me some examples.

c) How this communication strength (...) affects positively the effectiveness of the processes use to get the job done? Give me some examples.

d) How this communication strength (...) affects positively the quality of the service provided.?  Give some examples.

e) What are the the possible reasons for this major communication strength? Name some reasons

 2. Communication Weakness

The same above five questions doing the necessary adaptations 


You must support the content of your paper by two (2) sources (INTERVIEWEES) (managers, supervisors, subordinates, or customers). These sources must be properly cited a) in the paper and b) listed in the REFERENCE section at the end of the paper in page 6. 

Example of citation in paper: (Last name, 2019) 

Example of citation of interviewees in REFERENCE SECTION ((page 6): Last name, First mane, Job Position, Date of the Interview: February 12, 2019. 


In order to get a good grade on this paper, try to answer the questions thoroughly, creatively and in depth. Your writing must be persuasive by making a solid argument (reasons) for each of the issues you are discussing in your paper. And support your argument by some insterviewees' comments.

If you have any questions concerning this assignment, please see me.

This paper is 5 pages, typed, 1.5 lines spaced. It is worth 15 points.