Lab Manual Errata

p. 3 - Denominator of xbar calculation should be 5 not 50 [*]

p. 16 - The last 8 lines of text on page 16 became scrambled when I improperly did a "cut and paste" of text. Here's how the last 8 lines should read: [*]

What was the p value derived by Levene's test? ______

What was the p value derived by the F ratio test? _____

Do conclusions that follow differ? (Y/N) ________

SPSS completed both an equal variance t test and unequal variance (Fisher-Behrens) t test. Compare the results from each.

What was the p value derived by the equal variance t test? ______

What was the p value derived by the unequal variance t test? _____

Do conclusions that follow differ? (Y/N) ________

pp. 17 - 23 - Header should read Lab 2: ANOVA [*]