The Procedure Notebook (New Brief Explanation)

The Procedure Notebook is a quadrille-ruled composition notebook in which you record formulas and analytic procedures. It is intended to help you:

You may use your Procedure Notebook on Part B of exams, but NOT on Part A. As of Fall 2005, there is a length and content restriction for the Procedure Notebook. You are allowed up to one (1) page per unit (with some exceptions). The Procedure Notebook is not a replacement for studying concepts in preparation for the test. It is primarily a cook book for formulas and procedures. 

Everything in the Procedure Notebook should be in your own hand. The Procedure Notebook may NOT include answer keys, published materials, or materials from the lab workbook. (Exception: The Procedure Notebook should include statistical tables, such as the Z table and t table.) 

Last update: Sep 25, 2005