The Dark Window

Mr. Hyde - "Leave me be! Can't you see I'm trying to get on my way here? Night is when fewer people are out, and still I'm bothered. What? Do I frighten you? Good, stare at me all you want I don't care. But be warned, if you so much as say something rude...."

"I had taken a loathing to my gentleman at first sight. So had the child's family, which was only natural. But the doctor's case was what struck me. He was the usual cut and dry apothecary, of no particular aage and color, with a strong Edinburgh accent, and about as emotional as a bagpipe. Well, sir, he was like the rest of us; every time he looked at my prisoner, I saw that Sawbones turn sick and white with the desire to kill him." (Stevenson, 9-10)

Created December 2nd 2006, Meagan Lillich