Online Resources

his collection of online links grows and changes with the addition and loss of websites dedicated to the 1939-40 World's Fair in New York. When possible, I've placed a small excerpt from the webpage next to each link to give you a sense of what these page maintainers offer. If you find broken links or wish to suggest new ones please email me.

Alan Anderson's World's Fair page: "Perhaps only those, such as I, who went to THE FAIR as children will understand fully why I took the time to celebrate this symbol that remains bright in a dwindling number of minds."

Bells for Peace: This organization seeks to restore the Belgian Friendship Building - originally built for the 1939-40 NYWF - at Virginia Union University.

Building the World of Tomorrow at the New York World's Fair: "The 1939 World's Fair, held in Flushing Meadows, captured the spirit of two quintessential American traits: optimism and futurism." This site contains information about the Book of Record.

Documentation of "Highways and Horizons" -- Images of the Futurama exhibit found in Call it Home: The House that Private Enterprise Built.

Feasting on the Future: Food at the New York World's Fair: a document maintained in Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett's New York University's Food and Performance class.

Gottscho-Schleisner Collection: "comprised of over 29,000 images primarily of architectural subjects, including . . . color images of the 1939-40 New York World's Fair."

Iconography of Hope: The 1939-40 New York World's Fair: "This site examines the social, cultural, and commercial impact of the Fair on the American way of life in the twentieth century. It attempts to provide some texture and even a little color to what is all too frequently viewed as the black-and-white sensibility of 'the past.'"

Internet World Expo description of the NY Fair: "The 1939 New York World's Fair suffered from unfortunate timing and the investors lost two-thirds of their investment. Before the war broke out full-fledged, however, the fair attracted large crows to Flushing Meadow Park in Queens."

Museum of the City of New York's Drawing the Future: Design Drawings for the 1939 New York World's Fair. The exhibition is accompanied by a fully-illustrated 64-page catalog.

New Deal Network Library's collection of images relating to the World's Fair.

Ricardo Alcos' proposal to rebuild the Trylon and Perisphere: "While I cannot speak authoritatively to the artistic merits for its re-creation, it seems to me the structure in question speaks for itself. More importantly , there is a very practical reason for doing so, and it's called tourism with a capitol 'T'"

William Grant Still Exhibition: This page describes the development of the Fair's theme song, "Rising Tide, [that] was played continually in the Perisphere."