HS 167 Statistical Report 

Student name: _____________________________________________    Date: ____________

Intro: Your statistics reports must include the following sections: 

Some Rules

Grading Key:

+ = Excellent (9 or 10 points)
= Adequate (7 or 8 points)
- = Needs improvement (5 or 6 points)


_____ Statistical methods and results [10 pts]

_____ Organization and mechanics of writing [10 pts]

Please read this statement. It is based on a similar statement by UNC Professor Vic Schoenbach.

I expect all students to be familiar with and to abide by the rules of academic integrity of San Jose State University. Your observance of this honor code makes this course possible. Please note that I take seriously my responsibility to report violations. Cheating on assignments is a widespread problem, and we employ measures to detect it. I have had to report a number of undergraduate and postgraduate students for knowingly violating this code. If for any reason you find yourself tempted to do so, from a feeling of desperation or disenchantment, please call or write to me in confidence so that I can suggest a better alternative. The honor code for our class is that we do not share answers with other students unless expressly permitted to do so. Having the answers while working on the questions compromises the learning process and leads to a violation of the rules for academic integrity. Please sign and date this statement to verify that you have read it and understand it. This signed statement must be handed in with your report. Otherwise, your report will not be accepted for grading.

Signed: ________________________________________________    Date: _____/_____/_____