Course webpage for Math 251 Statistical and Machine Learning Classification

Course webpage for Math 251 Statistical and Machine Learning Classification

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MATH 251: Statistical and Machine Learning Classification 

Instructor: Guangliang Chen



Course information [Syllabus]

This is a graduate-level course on the machine learning branch of classification, covering the following topics: 

all based on the benchmark dataset of MNIST Handwritten Digits. Such a teaching strategy was partly inspired by Michael Nielsen's free online book - Neural Networks and Deep Learning, which notes explicitly that this dataset hits a ``sweet spot'' - it is challenging, but ``not so difficult as to require an extremely complicated solution, or tremendous computational power''. In addition, the digit recognition problem is very easy to understand, yet practically important.

Prerequisites: Math 164 and Math 250

Technology requirements: 

Recommended readings:

  1. James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani (2017), “An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R”, Springer 
  2. Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman (2009), “The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction”, Springer-Verlag 
  3. Nielson (2015), “Neural Networks and Deep Learning”, Determination Press
  4. Goodfellow, Bengio, and Courville (2016), “Deep Learning”, MIT Press

Course progress

 Lecture Slides  Further Reading

Introduction [slides]

 Math 250 (formerly 253) course page


Instance-based classifiers [slides]

 Sections 2.2.3 and 5.1 of recommended reading 1 

Dimension reduction for classification [slides]

 2DLDA paper

Bayes classifiers [slides]

 Section 4.4 of recommended reading 1 

Logistic regression [slides]

 Section 4.3 of recommended reading 1 

Support vector machine [slides]

 [Chapter 9 of recommended reading 1] [Lagrange Dual]

Evaluation criteria [slides]


Ensemble learning [slides]

[Trevor Hastie's slides] [Adele Cutler's lecture] [Chapter 8 of textbook]

Neural networks [slides]

[Michael Nielsen’s book] [Olga Veksler’s lecture] [Perceptron]

Introduction to deep learning [slides]

Standford CS 231n course page

More learning resources

Useful course websites

Data sets

Instructor feedback

Feedback at any time of the semester is encouraged and greatly appreciated, and will be seriously considered by the instructor for improving the course experience for both you and your classmates. Please submit your anonymous feedback through this page.