Response Sheets for Descriptive/Narrative Essay
Author's Name:
Respondent's Name:
l. What about this essay makes you think it should be evaluated on the effectiveness of its narrative and descriptive technique? (What about the essay makes it seem more of a story than an essay written to inform or to persuade?)
2. What is the story about? What is the point of the story?
3. What techniques of description does the author use particularly well? (Identify these places by paragraph and page number,)
4. What language is most imagistic? Mark these words, phrases, sentences in the texts with a check mark. What images does that language help you to see, feel, taste, etc.?
5. Which sections of the essay contain the story line, the things that happen? Are those actions in a logical sequence (this does not necessarily mean a chronological). What is the sequence?
6. Is there any dialogue? Does it sound real, convincing? Is it set up and punctuated correctly? Indicate by page and paragraph where that dialogue is.
7. Does the writing get your attention immediately? Why? If not, what do you suggest?
8. Does it keep your attention? If yes, why? If not, where did you lose interest? What do you suggest?
9. What do you think is the author's purpose and how well is that accomplished?
10. What is the title? Does it help the reader understand the story? Can you suggest other good titles?
11. What group(s) would be a good audience for this story? Can you name any specific places it could be published?
12. What suggestions for improvement in any areas do you have?