Online Bibliography

APA Ethics Committee. (1995). Services by telephone, teleconferencing, and internet. [On-line]. Available World Wide Web:

Bankart, P. C. (1997). Basic considerations for undertaking a history of the talking cure. In Murphy, E. (Ed.), Talking Cures. (pp. 18-20). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.

Caudron, S. (1998, February 2). Shrink-wrap: Looking for some support with personal issues, but don't like the idea of spilling your guts on some therapist's couch? Try the telephone or the internet. Industry Week, 247(3), 76-77.

Clare, A. S. (1997). Psychotherapy Online. [On-line]. Available World Wide Web:

Computing Central. (1999). Bandwidth forum. [On-line]. Available World Wide Web:

Holmes, L. G. (1999) You can't do psychotherapy on the net, yet. [On-line]. Available World Wide Web:

Nakazawa, L. (1999). Virtual Therapy. Psychology Today, 32(2), 11.

PC Magazine Online. (1997). PictureTel Live200p. [On-line]. Available World Wide Web:

Speilberg, A. (1998). On call and online: Sociohistorical, legal, and ethical implications of e-mail for the patient-physician relationship. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 280(15), 1353-1374.

Stevens, L. (1997, August 29). Web sites offer a variety of online counseling. Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service, (4).

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