Covered Wagon Motel
Lusk, WY
Pines Motel
Douglas, WY
West Winds Motel
Wheatland, WY

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However you visit Wyoming, don’t leave it without a trip to Lusk, the town that recently gained fame in a series of adds by Microsoft touting its hometown appeal. As you’d imagine, the company moved on to newer focus groups but Lusk remains a quintessential Western town dependable for a rowdy rodeo and decent grub. Searching for a place to hang your newly purchased ten-gallon hat? You’d better stop right there, pard’ner, at the Covered Wagon Motel. Wired, friendly, and even boasting an indoor pool, the Covered Wagon is about the nicest motel you’ll find in these parts.

All text copyright Andrew Wood. Photos copyright Jenny Wood and Andy Wood.

Classic Motel Americana: Check out an old page for this state. It is no longer maintained but may bring back some fun memories. Take a look!