Updated 11/1/09
The Japan Club is an organization at San Jose State University. Its
dedicated purpose is to inform
people about Japanese culture and language through fun and enjoyment.
San Jose State
University students who are interested in Japanese culture are welcome
to join. We also welcome
non-SJSU students as well. Come and learn about Japan and experience a
different way of life,
learn about the intricacies of the Japanese language, and enjoy the
of cultural diversity.
Activities will expose our members to not only the traditional Japanese
culture, but the Japanese
American culture around the Bay Area. New members are always welcome.
are Japanese or not is not important, whether you like Japanese culture
is. The Japan Club will
provide many people with information on both traditional and modern
culture. Please
visit our website often for additional information about Japan.
Japanese information for general public, follow this LINK to find out more, and more.
If you haven't paid your dues, please pay at the general meetings.
Club Events 2004-2005
?? (?) First Meeting - Getting to know each other.
?? (?) PARTY - Food, games, music, and more...
March ?. Expo 2004, Event Center, 10:00am to 3:00pm. Employers will discuss career opportunities for SJSU students preparing to graduate. Register online with the Career Center @ www.careercenter.sjsu.edu.
March ??. Expo 2004, Event Center, 10:00am to 3:00pm. Employers will discuss internship and summer employment opportunites for SJSU students at varied levels of preparation. This is an excellent opportunity for you to gain career-related work experience--a tremendous advantage when you are ready to pursue a career position. Register online (same as above).
?? (?) End of the Year Party.
And More ...
Many thanks to our ex-president Judy Ichisaka (1997-1998)
who spent many hours working to make our Japan Club a quality club.
Michael Corbett (1998-) JET Program in Shikoku. mikecorbett10@hotmail.com
Frank Valenzuela (1998-) JET Program in Yamaguchi, Japan.
011-81-837-64-0546, pharnok@hotmail.com
James C. Wilson (1998-) JET Program in Japan.
If you are interested in teaching English in Japan, click on http://www.embjapan.org/sf/. The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program seeks college graduates (BA or BS by the end of June every year) from all majors for 1-year position in Japan as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) or Coordinator for International Relations (CIR). To request an application call 1-800-INFO-JET.
(posted 10/01)
#1. Congratulations!
One of our Japanese Major students, Ben Hartwell, was the
Scholarship recipient for 1998-1999. He studied at Nagoya University
Student Exchange Division.
(posted 10/01)
exJapanClubPresident - Christian Sy soyokaze@bigfoot.com
studied at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (1999-2000).
(posted 10/01)
#2. Internship Opportunity: Teaching English to Japanese
English school Vantage in Cupertino is looking for someone who
work part time in the afternoon, preferably from 2:00-5:30PM. A good
for a university student. No teaching experience is needed, but the
applicant must be able to handle children. Telephone John Luong or
@(408)873-2388 or (408)559-8769 Res.
DISCLAIME: SJSU or the Foreign
Department shall not be held liable.
Japan Club of San Jose State University Organization Constitution |
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Japan Club of San Jose State University.
Section 2. The purpose of this organization is to increase awareness of the Japanese Culture in a pleasant atmosphere in order to promote a positive attitude and increase an understanding of Japan while providing important information about various important and relevant information about this country. This is to be accomplished by providing enjoyable activities and discussions in which this goal can be achieved.
Section 1. This organization may participate in a meeting with any other local, state or national organization(s) based upon the purpose. (This organization does not affiliate itself with any other organization.)
Section 1. Any student, faculty or staff at San Jose State University who is interested in this organization, shall be accepted as a member of this organization. A person who is not currently enrolled in San Jose State shall be accepted if he or she meets the qualification mentioned in Section 2.
Section 2. An applicant who is not enrolled at San Jose State University shall be accepted as a member this organization when he or she is recommended by at least two members.
Section 3. Voting membership is restricted to matriculated, currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff at San Jose State University.
Section 4. At least eighty percent of all members of the organization are matriculated, currently enrolled students at San Jose State University.
Section 5. Membership in the organization will not be denied to anyone on the basis of race, religion, national origin, age, sex, disability, veteran's status, or sexual orientation, except as sanctioned by law (California Administrative Code, Title 5, Section 41500; Education Amendments of 1972, Title IX).
Section 6. There shall be no hazing.
Section 1. The officers of this organization will be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2. Term of office shall be from the time of election until new officers take office immediately following the next election.
Section 3. If a vacancy occurs in any of the offices, the organization will have a special election to fill the vacancy.
Section 4. All officers of this organization are matriculated, enrolled students at San Jose State University.
Section 5. All officers shall be considered as members of the Executive Committee of this organization.
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings, also speaks for the organization in the community and university.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his or her absence.
Section 3. The Secretary duties shall be to maintain a record of the organization's activities and report them to the president as needed.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall collect and disburse funds as directed by the organization, make financial reports to the organization, make annual financial reports to the general membership, and report after each meeting to the Executive Committee.
Section 1. If there are candidates, they will be nominated from the floor. If there is no candidate running for a position, the Executive Committee works as the Nominating Committee.
Section 2. Elections will take place once a year in the fall semester. Whenever there is vacancy in any of the offices, an election shall take place.
Section 3. Members of this organization shall cast their votes by written secret ballot method.
Section 4. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote, which means a candidate must receive one more than half (50%+1) of all votes cast.
Section 1. The installation of the officers will take place immediately after the election.
Section 1. The frequency of regular meetings shall be at least once every month.
Section 2. The President has the authority to call special meetings.
Section 3. Members will be notified of any special meetings by phone.
Section 4. The quorum of each meeting shall be 25 percent of the voting membership.
Section 5. The members are required to attend at least one meeting out of every three to stay in the club.
Section 6. This organization's parliamentary execution shall follow Robert's Rules of Order.��
Section 1. The President has the authority to name committee chairs.
Section 1. The membership fee of this organization shall be five dollars for one year. The due date shall be the second meeting of the semester.
Section 1. Any member can originate an amendment.
Section 2. An amendment shall be read one meeting preceding the vote.
Section 3. The number of votes needed to adopt the amendment shall be two-thirds of the total voting membership of the organization.
Section 4. Amendment, when approved, becomes effective immediately.
CONTACT: President
is bad for you.