Return to Syllabus   Dr. Andrew Wood
Office: HGH 210; phone: (408) 924-5378



These are the major terms and concepts I want you to master for the upcoming examination. This list will evolve as we progress throughout the course. Please remember that this review is designed to highlight ideas and concepts that will be found on the test. It is not complete and will be revised until the day before the examination. The review does not include every word that will appear on the exam; it merely serves to guide your study of the texts, notes, web resources, and other materials employed throughout this course.


• Migrant Mother
• Mimetic vs. Social Constructionist approaches toward representation
• Semiotic Analysis
• Signifier and Signified
• Myth
• Ideology
• Five components of Marxian thought
• Shift in theories about ideology (Marx, Althusser, and Gramsci)
• Hall's three approaches toward consumption
• Ideological labor: Bricolage and textual poaching
• Four terms of spectatorship (spectatorship, scopophilia, voyeurism, and exhibitionism)
• Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic theories
• Male and female gaze
• Foucault's institutional gaze (discourse and panopticon)
• Colonial gaze: Edward Said's "exotic other"
• Victorian era and the "Grand Style" of imagery
• City Beautiful Movement
• Lithographic "Bird's Eye" views
• Photographic Balloon views
• Multi-plate panoramas
• The cultural fiction of panoramic imagery
• Perspective (impact of scientific gaze)
• Abandoning the goals of realism and authenticity
• Changing values associated with images
• Key aspects of impressionism, cubism, dadaism, surrealism


• Four components of modern consumer society
• The "flâneur"
• Rereading consumer society - Marxist, Pop Art, Psychoanalytical, and Foucauldian approaches
• Bricolage vs. pastiche culture
• Three reasons why we are architectural critics
• Architectural terms: tripartite, domestic, mimetic, regional/historic, art deco, streamlined, international, googie, environmental, postmodern
• Four approaches toward modernism (political, technological...)
• Four components of modern architecture (geometric forms, transparency and light...)
• Five contests of postmodernism
• Simulation and simulacra
Themed environments and Market segmentation
• Theme malls: Shift from urban to suburban life
• Theme airports: places built on movement; from train stations to shopping malls
• Disneyland lineage
• Three components of Disnification
• Modern vs. postmodern monuments, epideictic rhetoric, seven postmodern elements of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial monument


  • Frontpage
  • Introduction
  • Policies
  • Calendar
  • Assignments
  • Research
  • Review Sheet
  • Gradebook