Web Template

You can use the code below to create your own website. Using your mouse, click at the beginning of the text below and drag until the entire text (ending with </HTML>) is selected. Then, select Copy from the Edit menu. Using your mouse, select the the Notepad (for Windows users) or SimpleText (for Mac users) software on your computer and open a new page.

Once that page is available, select Paste from the Edit menu. At that point, fill in information in the Title section and Body section. Save the page you've created -- ensuring that the document name ends with .html.

Then, you can open up a web browser and select this page in the following manner. If you are using Internet Explorer, select Open File from the File menu. If you are using Netscape Navigator, select the File menu and select Open. You will likely be given a set of options -- open Page in Navigator. In either browser, once you've gotten to this point, navigate yourself to the location of the document you've created. Select the document you created -- it should appear in your browser.






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