Publications & Presentations

Schmeichel, Edward F

Publications & Presentations

  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "Polynomial algorithms that prove an NP-hard hypothesis implies and NP-hard conclusion." Article. (January 2002).
  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "Locations on time-varying networks." Article. (January 1999).
  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "Orienting graphs to optimize reachability." Article. (January 1997).
  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "The complexity of recognizing tough cubic graphs." Article. (January 1997).
  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "A note on dominating cycles in 2-connected graphs." Article. (January 1996).
  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "Gossiping with multiple sends and receives." Article. (January 1996).
  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "Star arboricity of graphs." Article. (January 1996).
  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "Gale?s round-trip jeep problem." Article. (January 1995).
  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "Approximation algorithms for the capacitated plant allocation problem." Article. (January 1994).
  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "On locating path- or tree-shaped facilities on networks." Article. (January 1993).
  • Edward F. Schmeichel. "The voronoi patrition of a network and its implications in location theory." Article. (January 1992).