Step-by-Step Instructions for Finding your “Current Topics” Article

Journal search* [highly recommended and preferred]:

  1. Go to the joint library portal at and click on “San Jose State University library” in the lower right corner
  2. Click on “Journal Titles” and enter the name of the journal you would like to search where it says “Find online journals by title” (e.g., Personnel Psychology, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Resource Management Journal, etc.)
  3. Hit “Go” and then click on one of the database sources for the journal shown in the results (e.g., Business Source Complete)
  4. Click on one of the years at the far right to open the journal Table of Contents for that year; then click on one of the issues within that year to see what sort of research areas are being explored in our field. Continue this process chronologically until you find an article of interest that you think fits in your topic area
  5. You can also try “Search within this publication” on the upper left of the database page for that journal and use normal search techniques to find something in your topic area; however, you may miss newer research that uses terminology you haven’t thought of yet, which is why the previous method is recommended
  6. Take care that any article you find is actually in this journal [vs. containing the journal’s name in the references and therefore coming up in your search], and that it otherwise meets the criteria for the assignment in terms of recency, quantitative research methods, and a usable take-home message for HR practice
  7. Email me the article [one at a time] as a pdf attachment and include your proposed take-home message [if you can’t extract one, find a different article!]
  8. Make sure to cc yourself via email to make sure the article comes through, and that you are not just attaching a link to the library that won’t work for me



Database search* [backup only]:

If and only if you cannot find a suitable article in one of the preferred journals should you default to a general database search  

  1. Go back to the library portal at and click on “San Jose State University library” in the lower right corner as before
  2. Click on “Articles and Databases” in the upper right corner
  3. Click on “Business” in the left-hand column
  4. Click on one of the databases shown (e.g., Business Source Complete)
  5. Click the boxes for Full text, Article, Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals, and Academic Journal, then select the appropriate date range for the assignment
  6. Enter search terms appropriate to your topic area at the top of the page and hope for the best; however, you will soon see that there are a lot of journals out there that do not meet our requirements in terms of quality,recency, quantitative research methods, and a usable take-home message for HR practice
  7. Read the article carefully before sending it to me; if it is not in one of our preferred journals, I will exercise much stricter scrutiny before giving the go-ahead

*Please follow directions carefully; emails containing more than one article at a time or an article but no proposed take home message will be ignored. Good luck!