BUS250: Online Sites for finding Primary Caselaw

Due to University budget cuts, we no longer have access to Lexis/Nexis or it's successor site, Nexis Uni. As a result, we will now rely on Westlaw or Google Scholar. Both are available for use through SJSU--King Library by clicking on the Articles and Databases link and following the alphabetic index. Demo's will be conducted in class. You can also access the Step by Step instructions on the link that follows this one. 

Whichever site you use, make sure to obtain recent, unabridged PRIMARY appellate caselaw [full legal opinions written by judges in courts of relevant jurisdiction—CA, 9th Cir., or on occasion the U.S. S. Ct.; do not use federal district court (trial court) cases—they have no precedential value for stare decisis purposes] for both the Web Research FIRACT and LRP.