
How You Can Support the No Kidding Campaign
Join the Communication Studies students who have launched this campaign to fight racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, and ableism at SJSU. If you're a student as SJSU, you're part of the largest group on campus. YOU are the key to developing an inclusive SJSU community. Make the effort to create the kind of college experience you want. Use the resources below to support the No Kidding Campaign.
Have you been the target of intolerance, hate, or harassment?
Often students who are the target of insensitivity, hate, or harassment go into denial or don’t want to make trouble. Talking to someone can seem daunting and it seems like the easiest thing to do is to try and ignore it and hope it will go away. However, remember, the experience is not solely about you. Hate unchallenged spreads, the perpetrators emboldened, and the behavior validated. Your responsibility is not only for yourself but also for your community and the next person who may face similar abuse.
You are not alone. You community supports you. Tell a friend, faculty, RA, or your parents.
More information on your student rights and how to file a complaint in the Student section of SJSU's Human Resources website.
SJSU offers free, confidential counseling services. Call 408-924-5910 to schedule an appointment. Or go to Counseling Services in the Administration Building (7th & San Fernando St.) Room 201 for drop-in for crisis counseling Mon - Wed 9 - 4, Thurs 11 - 4, and Fri 10:30 - 2:30. More information on the Counseling Services website.
Have you witnessed intolerance, hate, or harassment?
To paraphrase a famous saying; "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." As students who are part of the SJSU community, it is our responsibility that if we hear something or see something to say something. Nothing lingers in the memory or fosters regret more knowing that you stood by and let another person be victimized. Stay calm, speak up, clearly state why you thought that comment was inappropriate. Show solidarity and support for the person who was the target of abuse.
Go to the TipNow website and complete a confidential, anonymous report. To send an anonymous text or voicemail message to police investigators any time day or night, just text or email your information to or call 408-337-2919.
Diversity @ SJSU
Learn more about diversity at SJSU on the university's Diversity site.