Data Analysis With EpiInfo
and EpiData
B. Burt Gerstman
(Nov. 2000)
The only way humans can do BETTER than computers is to take a chance of doing WORSE. So we have got to take seriously the need for steady progress toward
teaching routine procedures to computers rather than to people. That will leave the teachers of people with only things hard to teach, but this is our proper fate.--John
W. Tukey (1980)
-- Preface --
- Some Statistical Basics
- Version 6 Basics
- EpiData Notes, Short Overview of EpiData, EpiTour
- Epi Info 2002
- Approaches Toward Data Analysis
- Continuous Outcome, Single Group
- Continuous Outcome, Paired Samples
- Continuous Outcome, Two Independent Groups
- Continuous Outcome, Several Independent Groups
- Continuous Outcome, Continuous Predictor
- Continuous Outcome, Multiple Predictors
- Binary Outcome, Single Group
- Binary Outcome, Cohort and Cross-Sectional Samples
- Binary Outcome, Case-Control Samples
- Binary Outcome, Stratified Analysis
- Binary Outcome, Matched Samples
- Binary Outcome, Test for Trend
- Binary Outcome, Multiple Predictors - under development.
- A Cases Count in an Open Population
- Discrete Outcome, One Group
- Nominal Outcome, Independent Groups
Tables: Z | t | Chi-Square| StaTable
(Cytel Corp.)