Math 253 Course Page

MATH 253: Mathematical Methods for Data Visualization

San Jose State University, Spring 2020
visualization of MNIST digit 1

Course description [Syllabus]

This is a graduate course on dimension reduction for the purpose of data visualization. The course is 70% theory (linear algebra) and 30% programming (for matrix computing and data plotting).
Topics to be covered include:
  1. Programming basics and high quality data plotting in 3D
  2. Advanced linear algbera
  3. Dimension reduction techniques
    • Principal component analysis
    • Multidimensional scaling
    • ISOmap
    • Laplacian eigenmaps
    • Fisher linear discriminant
  4. Introduction to clustering


"Foundations of Data Science Hardcover" [Unofficial version], by Avrim Blum, John Hopcroft, and Ravi Kannan, Cambridge University Press (March 12, 2020). We will use Chapter 3 and Appendix 12.8 of the book.

Additionally, the course will rely on the following papers:

Course progress


 Lecture Slides

 Further Reading

 Course introduction and overview [slides]

 Course syllabus [MATLAB Onramp]

 Review of linear algebra and multivariable calculus [slides]

 Appendix 12.8 of the textbook (p437)

 Matrix computing in MATLAB [slides]

 MATLAB scripts: [part 1] [part 2

 [Matrices and Arrays]  [Mathworks linear algebra documentation]


 High quality data plotting in MATLAB [slides]

 MATLAB scripts: [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]

 [Types of MATLAB Plots]  [MATLAB Plot Gallery]


 Rayleigh quotient [slides]

 [Prof. Croot's notes] [MATLAB demonstration]


 Singular value decomposition of matrices [slides]

 Chapter 3 of textbook

 Generalized inverse and pseudoinverse [slides]

 [Chapter 3 of textbook] [Prof. Sawyer's notes] [Prof. Laub's notes]


 Matrix norm and low-rank approximation [slides]

 Chapter 3 of textbook

 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [slides]

 Tutorial by J. Shlens

 Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) [slides]

 A book chapter on MDS

 ISOmap [slides] [website]

 Original paper (Science, 2000)

 Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) [slides]

 Prof. Olga Veksler’s lecture

 Laplacian Eigenmaps [slides

 Original paper (Neural Computation, 2003)

More learning resources

Programming languages

Useful course websites

Data sets

Instructor feedback

This is the first time the course is offered at SJSU. Your feedback (as early as possible) is encouraged and greatly appreciated, and will be seriously considered by the instructor for improving the course experience for both you and your classmates. Please submit your annonymous feedback through this page.