Publications & Presentations

Murray, Susan Bell

Publications & Presentations

For copies of my most recent publications and presentations go to: pubs

Conference Presentations

Murray, Susan B., “Research into Practice:  Teaching White Faculty about Whiteness,” Annual Meetings of the Pacific Sociological Association – Long Beach, CA: March 2018.

 Murray, Susan B., “Color-Blind Contradictions and Black/White Binaries: White Academics Upholding Whiteness,” Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association – Portland, Or: April 2017.

 Hikido, Annie & Murray, Susan B.   “White Rainbows: How White College Students Protect Whiteness Through Diversity Discourses,” Annual Meetings of the Pacific Sociological Association – Long Beach, CA: April  2015.


Brooks-Immel, Demerris & Murray, Susan B., Whiteness 101: How Whiteness, White Culture, and White Educators Permeate and Shape Universities, in Race and Ethnicity: Moving from Sociological Imagination to Sociological Mindfulness edited by Jacqueline D. Brooks, Heidy Sarabia, & Aya K. Ida. Cognella Academic Publishing.  Forthcoming July, 2019.

Brooks-Immel, Demerris & Murray, Susan B. 2017    Color-Blind Contradictions and Black/White Binaries: White Academics Upholding Whiteness.  Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 39:315-333.

Hikido, Annoe & Murray, Susan B. 2015    Whitened rainbows: How white college students protect whiteness through diversity discourses.  Race, Ethnicity and Education, DOI: 10.1080/13613324.2015.1025736

 Murray, Susan B. 2013    A Reprint of, “A Spy, A Shill, A Go-Between, or a Sociologist: Unveiling the Observer in Participant Observer,” Pp. 377-395 in Observation Methods, edited by Smart, Peggs, & Burridge. London: Sage Publications.

Murray, Susan B.  2003    “A Spy, A Shill, A Go-Between, or a Sociologist: Unveiling the Observer in Participant Observer,” Qualitative Research, 3(3), 379-397.

Baba, Yoko, Murray, Susan B. 2003    “Spousal Abuse: Vietnamese Children’s Reports of Parental Violence,” Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 30(3): 97-122.

Baba, Yoko, Murray, Susan B  2002    “Race and Domestic Violence: A Comparative Study of African-American, Latina, and White Women,” Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology, 30(2):165-175.

Murray, Susan B.  2001    “’When a Scratch Becomes a Scary Story’” The Social Construction of Micro Panics in Center-Based Child Care,” TheSociological Review, 49(4):512-529.

Murray, Susan B. 2000    “Getting Paid in Smiles: The Gendering of Child Care Work.” Symbolic Interaction, 23(2):135-160

Murray, Susan B.  1998   “Child Care Work: Intimacy in the Shadow of Family Life.”  Qualitative Sociology, 21(2):149-168.

Murray, Susan B  “‘It’s Safer this Way’: The Subtle and Not-So-Subtle Exclusion of Men in Child Care.” 136-153 in Subtle Sexism: Current Practices and Prospects for Change, edited by N.V. Benokraitis and J.R. Feagin. New York: Sage.

Murray, Susan B. 1996   “We All Love Charles: Men in Child Care and the Social Construction of Gender.” Gender & Society 10(4):368-385.

Murray, Susan B.  1988   “The Unhappy Marriage of Theory and Practice: An Analysis of a Battered Women's Shelter.” National Women’s Studies Association Journal1(1):75-92.