MSTM Program Learning Goals

Program goals were initially developed in Fall 2005 and subsequently revised in Spring 2013 and Fall 2019.  The current version of the PLOs was approved unanimously by the MSTSM Curriculum Committee on 10/1/2021.

  1. Transportation Systems and Society: Craft management decisions that integrate knowledge of multi-modal transportation, social, and environmental systems
    1. Evaluate transportation proposals to identify impacts on transportation system performance objectives (i.e. accessibility and safety)
    2. Evaluate transportation proposals to identify impacts on broad policy goals (i.e equity, economic competitiveness, and environmental sustainability)
    3. Analyze transportation management proposals to identify the relevant legislative and administrative structures that guide the decision

  2. Innovation: Develop innovative solutions for transportation management challenges
    1. Develop solutions to transportation management challenges that are informed by global best practices and emerging transportation technologies

  3. Leadership:  Develop high-impact leadership styles and competencies (traits, skills, behaviors)
    1. Identify effective strategies to improve leadership competencies

  4. Communications: Communicate effectively with a diverse workforce and citizenry
    1. Prepare written materials that are clear, technically proficient, and tailored to diverse audiences’ needs and level of expertise
    2. Deliver oral presentations that are clear, engaging, and tailored to diverse audiences’ needs and level of expertise

  5. Analytics: Identify and evaluate transportation management issues using appropriate data and analytical methods
    1. Collect, analyze, and synthesize information from multiple sources using appropriate data and methods