Presentations and Publications

Following are presentations and papers related to the Data Science for All project to date.

  1. L.J. Albert (2022). Introduction to Pandas Tutorial. This zip file includes an original case study, a modified version of the Tableau Sample-Superstore data-set Dataset (original available here), and a detailed tutorial that builds on the case to teach basic Pandas functions. 
  2. S.Jensen, L.J. Albert, and E. Huerta (2021). Data Science for All: Apache Spark & Jupyter Notebooks. 2021 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium on Analytics and AI for a Sustainable and Resilient Future, December 11-12, Austin, TX.
  3. A. Kapoor, L.J. Albert, and S. Jensen. Data Science Trend Report Spring 2021.
  4. L.J. Albert, E. Huerta, and S. Jensen, Python Foundations: Data Science for All. Presented at the 2019 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium on Inspiring Mindset for Innovation with Business Analytics and Data Science, Munich, Germany, December 2019.
  5. S. Jensen, E. Huerta, S. Dhar, and L.J. Albert, Data Science for All, presented at the 2019 Academic Technology Expo (ATXpo), Santa Clara, CA, October 2019.
  6. S. Jensen, L.J. Albert, E. Huerta, and S. Dhar, Data Science for All. In Proceedings of the 2019 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico, August 2019.