
Links to Research-Related Websites: provides links interactive calculators for statistical tests.

Decision Making and Individual Differences Inventories

The DMIDI is a catalogue of over 170 individual difference measures commonly used in judgment and decision-making research. Basic descriptive information (including references & scale information) is available for all measures. Measures that are publicly available are posted for easy downloading for research and educational use only. Detailed information on history of use (including significance and consistency of results) is available for a subset of measures.

Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities

Cabell's provides a directory of publishing outlets. The directory provides information about the type of article published, frequency of publishing, type of review (blind vs. editorial), and manuscript guidelines. Cabell's also designates journals as "Commendable" depending upon the publishing company responsible for the journal and the number of years the journal has been published.

APA Style 6th Edition

This is a link to the APA style resources page from APA.

Qualtrics Login

This is a link to the Qualtrics Login page. From this page researchers can create a survey measures.