Public Voices Fellowship
The Office of the Provost and the Center for Faculty Development are excited to invite
applications for the 2023-2024 cohort of the SJSU Public Voices Fellowship, offered
in partnership with The Op-Ed Project.
The OpEd Project's goal is "to increase the range of voices and quality of ideas we hear in the world." SJSU's 2020 Public Voices Fellowship marked our first entry into this national initiative aimed at dramatically increasing the public impact of women and underrepresented thought leaders. In particular, the fellowship supports those who have not yet learned how to translate their scholarship to public action, ensuring that their ideas help to shape the important conversations of our age.
Those selected for this fellowship join a cohort of 20 SJSU faculty and staff from across the disciplines to engage in four convenings over the course of next academic year on the following dates: 9/27-9/29, 11/30-12/1, 2/22-2/23 and 4/26. The first three convenings consist of half days of programming in Zoom, while the fourth convening, in April, will consist of a full day of programming on campus.
This highly creative training series has been proven to accelerate ideas and public impact, foster fellowship and discourse across difference, and support what it takes to be influential on a large scale. In addition, fellows will have the chance to work with top journalist mentors for dedicated one-on-one coaching. Fellows are expected to attend all convenings in full, and to commit to producing at least two op-eds during the fellowship.
Please submit your application via Google Form no later than 5 pm PT on May 26th.