CWPART Model Framework

The Child Welfare Partnership for Research and Training, CW-PART model is informed by three theoretical frameworks.

Model Framework Chart

Community-Engaged Research

Community-Engaged Research involves working collaboratively with stakeholders who are affiliated by common interests and geographic location.CW-PART is a partnered research model, which embodies a respectful partnership with community members and allows researchers and community members to mutually define their respective roles and negotiate responsibilities.  In this context, researchers provide leadership for projects that are defined, implemented, and disseminated with full involvement with agency partners and participation of both students and practitioners.

Implementation Science

Implementation Science is an emerging area of research in child welfare, which focuses on how research findings and evidence-based practices are integrated into practice in a specific setting.  Partnered research helps to leverage resources in both agency and university contexts to support the four essential activities of implementation science: 1) planning/exploration – the process of identifying a challenge or better intervention; 2) engaging/preparation – deciding on an innovation; 3) implementation – executing the innovation, and 4) sustaining and evaluating the innovation.

Adult Learning Theory

Adult Learning Theory emphasizes the importance of connecting learning to the experiences of the student, application of theory to practice, and problem-solving.  The partnered research model offers situated learning environments in which students have the opportunity to apply research skills to practice contexts, addressing questions that are of immediate interest to partners.