Health and Safety
General Health and Safety
The organizations provided by San José State University to maintain the health the safety of the student population. Covers general health needs and requirements for students and faculty.
Illness & Injury
Students suffering from an illness (mental and physical) or injury that results in missing more than one week of class should seek medical care, if feasible, and should contact their faculty to discuss a participation plan. This may involve arranging a substitute project, make up exam, or in some cases the need to drop the class, if the illness or injury is ongoing and severe. Students may be asked to provide a doctor’s note when they miss class due to illness or injury. If you need to miss class, please communicate promptly with the faculty. If you are ill or injured but still able to attend the class session, please consult with your faculty about strategies to modify and adapt your practice so that you are able to participate in some manner. Strategies for modification and adaptation include but are not limited to the following, which may be done in combination, as appropriate:
1. Adapting movement to a prone or seated position (e.g., floor barre or chair work, or a combination)
2. Translation of movement (e.g., creative alternatives in body movement)
3. Reduction of range of motion
4. Elimination of injured areas and augmentation no other aspects of movement
5. Movement visualization
6. Active peer-critique
7. Class observation writing responsive
8. Acting as an assistant in class
Instructors will maintain interaction with students who are adapting movement and students should also maintain active participation in class to their fullest ability