Placement Criteria

Have you been admitted to a CSU campus?

See the video below for more information on EAP next steps!


Multiple Measures

The CSU system now uses multiple measures to determine whether incoming students will enroll in general education mathematics or written communication courses with support. These measures include standardized test scores, overall high school GPA, mathematics GPA, accumulated coursework in mathematics and English as well as senior year coursework in mathematics and English. 

Please refer to the charts below to view current CSU multiple measures requirements. Two different sets of mathematics multiple measure thresholds exist, depending upon whether the student is planning to pursue a STEM major.

While students and parents can review this information too, students are simply encouraged to do the best that they can to raise their grades and to continue taking both written communication (English) and math classes during their senior year.

Math placement for Non-STEM and Undeclared students [pdf]

Math placement for STEM and Business majors [pdf]

Written communication placement [pdf]

General checklist of multiple measures criteria for math [pdf]

General checklist of multiple measures criteria for written communication courses [pdf]

Final Placement

Based on their status at the end of their senior year, admitted CSU students are assigned to one of four enrollment categories for both subjects. These categories determine the math and writing courses they will enroll in during their first year of college.

  • Category I students have already fulfilled the general education math or written communication requirement through AP exams, community college classes, etc.
  • Category II students enroll in general education math or written communication courses.
  • Category III students enroll in general education math or written communication courses with support. Participation in the CSU Early Start Program is also recommended for students in this category. 
  • Category IV students enroll in general education math or written communication courses with support. Participation in the CSU Early Start Program is required for students in this category.

Multiple Measures diagram

What if I don't meet Category I or II criteria by the time I graduate from high school? 

Regardless of category, every SJSU first year student is considered ready for college and will take courses that complete general education math and written communication requirements. However, students who do not meet Category I or II criteria will be required to enroll in general education math and written communication classes with support during their first year. Category IV students must also enroll in the summer Early Start program, while Category III students can choose whether or not to attend.

There are multiple supported instruction options, including:

  • Co-requisite classes (a 1 unit tutorial class taken along with a general education math or written communication course that offers just-in-time content review and support)
  • Stretch classes (an option that breaks the content of a semester long general education math or written communication course into a year long class)