Writing at SJSU

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Incoming SJSU first year students will complete the Reflection on College Writing (RCW) prior to attending orientation. This exercise allows students to choose the written communication course that is right for them. 

After completing the reflection, students will choose whether to enroll in a one-semester English 1A class, or a two-semester stretch course (English 1AF/English 1AS) that covers the same English 1A content throughout the entire academic year. 

The RCW is not a placement exam and will not be graded. However, completion is required in order to enroll in any courses during orientation. The RCW is simply a way for students to engage with the same kinds of activities they will be asked to complete in college-level writing courses to assess how comfortable they feel with the material. 

This option, known as Directed Self Placement (DSP), allows the student to choose the option that best fits their learning style. Thirteen of the 23 CSU campuses allow students to supplement early assessment with a guided self placement exercise at their destination campus to determine which course is best for them at the time of enrollment.