Probation and Disqualification in the Major Policy

These rules define how undergraduate majors in the Department of Mathematics are put on acadmic notice within the major. Note that students may also enter academic notice or disqualification under University or College of Science rules.

Academic Notice, Stage 1

Undergraduate majors in Mathematics enter the first stage of academic notice when either:

  1. They have not passed, with a C- or better, any required or support courses for the major in the most recent 12 units; or
  2. They have received a grade of D+ or lower in any required course (including electives) for the major.

A student in the first stage of academic notice will, with his/her advisor, make a reasonable academic plan for the next two semesters.

Students on Academic Notice 1 under rule (a) are removed from this status once rule (a) no longer holds. Students on Probation 1 under rule (b) can never be removed from Probation 1.

Probation, Stage 2

Undergraduate majors in Mathematics currently in the first stage of probation enter the second stage of probation when either: 

  1. They have not passed, with a C- or better, any required or support courses for the major in the most recent 24 units; or
  2. They receive a grade of D+ or lower in any four required courses (including electives) for the major. (Repeats count; that is, if a student fails a course twice, that counts as two courses towards the total four. Grades of D+ or lower that have been discounted by Grade Forgiveness still count towards the total of four.)

A Student in the second stage of probation will:

  • Be required to register for exactly those courses in his/her academic plan, either by having the advising hold on his/her record lifted for 24 hours, and then put back in place afterwards, or by being required to register in the physical presence of his/her advisor; and
  • With his/her advisor, reassess and make adjustments to any previous academic plan; and
  • Sign a written plan with the understanding that any deviation from this plan will result in disqualification in the major.

Students on Probation 2 under rule (a) are removed from Probation 2 once rule (a) no longer holds. Students on Probation 2 under rule (b) can never be removed from Probation 2. 

Disqualification in the Major

Undergraduate majors in Mathematics currently in the second stage of probation are disqualified in the major when either: 

  1. They have not passed any required or support courses for the major in the most recent 36 units they have taken; or
  2. They receive a grade of D+ or lower in any six required courses (including electives) for the major; or 
  3. They are disqualified from the College of Science or from the university.

Students who are disqualified in the major may apply to be reinstated in the major. Disqualified students who apply to be reinstated in the major will be evaluated and a decision will be made by the advising committee on a case-by-case basis. Students will only be readmitted in exceptional cases, and the committee decision is final.