Olu Obembe

Olu Obembe

Director of Software Engineering




Hi! I am an avid, passionate Software Engineer.  I love code!  :)  I’ve been working in the industry for the past 16 years and there has not been a dull day yet.   I tried to describe what excites me about the computing industry to an aspiring engineer recently.  I shared this: Our industry is the only industry I can think of that can completely reinvent itself without loosing its core values.  One thing consistent about our industry is that we will always be driven to solve problems.  Our problem space can change significantly.   We once worried about the basic internet, email, etc.  Today we talk about AI, augmented reality, machine learning, etc.  The languages have changed.  The paradigms have changed, but the need to keep solving real world problems has not.  When I  look back over the last decade, I see that we’ve accomplished so much.  I’m excited to think about what’s ahead of us!
