Building/Facility Naming/Merging-Eliminating Departments

Policy No Subject Supersedes/
S18-14 [pdf] Department or School Name Change Note:  When a Name Change is proposed due to merging, dividing, or transferring academic units, use this policy in conjunction with S13-9 [pdf] [pdf]  
S14-4 [pdf] Naming of Campus Facilities and Properties; And colleges, schools, and other academic entities at San Jose State University Rescinds S00-3, [pdf] S00-4 [pdf], and S07-1 [pdf]  
S13-9 [pdf] Merging, Dividing, Transferring, Eliminating Academic Units Amends S06-7 [pdf]  
S06-1 [pdf] The Donald and Sally Lucas Graduate School of Business    
S03-8 [pdf] Naming the Area Adjacent to the new Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Library the Robert L. Caret Plaza    
S01-3 [pdf] Naming of KORET Athletic Training Center    
S00-1 [pdf] Naming of Joint Library Building    
F99-3 [pdf] Honoring Howard and Laura Blethen and Naming SJSU Practice Field, Blethen Field    
S98-5 [pdf] Naming of Campus Facilities and Properties at SJSU    
F97-2 [pdf] Naming the James F. Boccardo Business Education Center    
F97-1 [pdf] Naming the Alan B. Simpkins Intercollegiate Athletics Administration Building    
F96-10 [pdf] Renaming SPXW 986    
F96-9 [pdf] Renaming I/C AS 985