Curriculum Review Process

All curricular proposals are reviewed and recommended for approval as identified in the review process. The final step is the designated administrative unit responsible for final approval. Proposals are routed in Curriculog, SJSU’s curriculum management software. The complexity of the curriculum development process requires consultation with departments that may be affected by curricular proposals and/or should be involved in the curriculum development process. Due to issues relating to planning and financial considerations, consultation with Deans and Department Chairs/School Directors is of paramount importance early in the curriculum development process.

Review the Curriculum Tutorials.

What are Catalog Rights?

Students may elect to satisfy degree requirements for a different academic catalog years for their major and/or graduation requirements if they have maintained continuous enrollment: (1) at the time they began continuous enrollment at a CCC or other CSU campus (undergrads only); (2) at the time they entered SJSU; or (3) at the time they graduate from SJSU.

Academic Catalog

All approved curriculum is published annually (normally April) in the University's online Academic Catalog. SJSU no longer produces a printed academic catalog. No curricular revisions or new programs may be publicized before final approval. New or changes to existing programs are published in the academic catalog once a year while course descriptions and policies are updated each term. Due dates are normally one academic year in advance. There are legal implications. Curriculum approved by the campus, but pending Chancellor's Office final approval may be advertised with a statement that indicates "pending final approval from the CSU Chancellor's Office". Changes to degree programs, including the addition of new degrees, minors or concentrations will be input into the online academic catalog only in the Fall term while course descriptions and policies are updated for spring terms. This aligns the campus practice with the Title V rules concerning catalog rights and requirements of the articulation system within which SJSU provides information for transfer students (ASSIST).

Review the curricular deadlines.



View transfer course agreements with over 130 California public colleges and universities.


Program assessment is an ongoing, transparent, deliberate, and evidence-based process used to measure and improve student learning.


Once new courses are approved, they may be scheduled.



Paperless curriculum management system which automates the process of curriculum approval.


California Promise, a program to help frosh graduate in four years and transfers in two. 

Required Syllabus Information

Required information relevant to all courses at SJSU. All syllabi must link to this webpage and use the accessible syllabus template.