Social Media Hashtags
- #SJSU - used with all general SJSU posts
- #SJSUSpartanPride, #SpartanPride - prideful posts about SJSU, for use on Spartan Pride Thursdays
- #SpartanPrideThursday - for posts on Spartan Pride Thursday
- #SpartanSuccess - for a current Spartan or alumnus achieving success
- #SpartansHelpingSpartans - for posts about Spartans helping one another
Admissions and Orientation
- #AdmittedSpartanDay - for Admitted Spartan Day activities and announcing the event
- #ApplytoSJSU - how to apply to SJSU and encouraging students to consider SJSU
- #WOWSJSU - for Weeks of Welcome programs and events take place during the first few weeks of each semester
- #SJSUBound21 - Admitted students for 2021
- #SJSUBG - SJSU inner blue and gold
- #SJSUFrosh - for freshman orientation
- #OAT - freshman orientation and transition
- #OAT21 - freshman orientation, summer of 2021
- #SJSUAlumni - for alumni content
- #SJSUScholars
- #SJSUSpartans
- #SpartanAthletics - for SJSU Athletics including general information, events, announcing games
- #SpartanStrong - for activities where Spartans are coming together
- #GoSpartans - for sporting events and energizing followers
- #SpartanUp - for energizing followers
- #BlueAndGold, #BleedBlueAndGold - for gamedays and sharing spartan pride
- #SJSUFootball, #SpartanFootball
- #SJSUHockey
- #SJSUSoccer
- #SJSUBasketball
- #SJSUVolleyball
- #SJSUGolf
- #SJSUBaseball
- #SJSUCrosscountry
- #SJSUGymnastics
- #SJSUSoftball
- #SJSUSwimming
- #SJSUTennis
- #SJSUWaterpolo
- #SJSUTrack
- #SJSUGrad - for students who are graduating
- #SJSU20 - for students graduating in 2020
- #SJSU21 - for students graduating in 2021
Academics & Organizations
For units hosting events, workshops, seminars and sharing information
- #SJSUCASA - College of Applied Sciences and Arts
- #SJSUSLIS - School of Library and Information Sciences
- #SJSUCoB - College of Business
- #SJSUHA - College of Humanities and Arts
- #SJSUEducation - College of Education
- #SJSUScience - College of Science
- #SJSUSS - College of Social Science
- #SJSUEngineering - College of Engineering
- #SJSUINTL - College of International and Extended Studies
- #SJSUEventCenter - Event Center
- #SJSUAS - Associated Students
- #SJSUCareerCenter - Career Center
- #SJSUGreeks - when referring to accomplishments of fraternities & sororities
- #SJSUHomecoming - for homecoming events including announcing applications, results for King and Queen, reminders of gameday
- #SJSUTowerSelfie - for self-portraits taken in front of Tower Hall
- #SJSUBucketList - refers to SJSU bucket list activities
- #SJSUTBT - SJSU Throwback Thursday
- #FGF - Feel Good Friday