2016-2017 Team Members
Luis Escamilla
Luis was part of the Spartan Superway 1/12 scale Vehicle Controls team. He was responsible
for designing and implementing the programming methods for the sensing when the bogie
should switch track paths. His background in Arduino, programming in C, basic through-hole
soldering, knowledge of CAD programs such as SolidWorks and Creo, familiarity with
Matlab, Microsoft Office and LabView make him perfect for this role.
Chris Hansen
Chris was part of the Spartan Superway 1/12 scale Vehicle Controls team. He was responsible
for track sensor placement and designing the 1/12th scale bogie. His background includes
soldering, electronics construction and repair, mechanical construction and drafting,
SolidWorks and Microsoft Office Suite.
Steven Mou
Steven was part of the Spartan Superway 1/12 scale Vehicle Controls team. He was responsible
for designing and implementing the programming methods for the sensing when the bogie
switches track paths. His background includes Arduino, programming in C, basic through-hole
soldering, knowledge of CAD programs such as SolidWorks and Creo, familiarity with
Matlab, Microsoft Office and LabView.
Kevin Yoshihara
Kevin was part of the Spartan Superway 1/12 Scale Track Fabrication Team tasked with
addressing any issues regarding tolerances of the 1/12th Scale Track, especially at
the bends and designing a solar panel rack with an attached support.
Shengsong Cho
Shengsong was part of the Spartan Superway 1/12 Scale Track Fabrication Team tasked
with addressing any issues regarding tolerances of the 1/12th Scale Track, especially
at the bends and designing a solar panel rack with an attached support.
Ernest Theo Cabreza
Ernest was part of the 1/12 Scale Mechanical Bogie Improvement team. His main task
involved designing the cabin that houses the electronics in SolidWorks and using a
variety of 3D printers to fabricate the final assembly out of PLA and ABS filaments
for its integration with the Track team.
Moralma Rodriguez
Moralma was part of the 1/12 Scale Mechanical Bogie Improvement team. Her main task
involved making improvements to the switching mechanism of the 1/12 Scale Mechanical
Bogie for the bogie to run more smoothly, especially at the intersections of the 1/12
Scale Track.
Andrew Snytsheuvel
Andrew was part of the 1/12 Scale Track Development Team. His main responsibilities
included designing and manufacture components of the track to provide proper alignment
and clearance for the bogie.
Jezreel Gajardo
Jezreel was part of the 1/12 Scale Track Development Team. His main tasks were being
the principle CAD designer of the team that designs a track assembly that would be
easy to break down, transport, and reassemble as well as producing 2D drawings for
Franklin Kha
Franklin was part of the 1/12 Scale Track Development Team. His main responsibilies
were communicating with other subteams about sensor placement and any necessary changes,
ensuring the team is organized and be in charge of documentation.
Derick Wong
Derick was part of the 1/12 Solar Improvement Team tasked with improving on the previous
1/12 Solar Rack and ultimately designed and fabricated a practical solar racking system.
The solar rack is self-contained, forms a curvature of along thin film solar panels,
can be assembled and disassembled in minutes, and does not interfere with the operations
of pod cars on the tracks below.
Alan Yoc
Alan was part of the 1/12 Solar Improvement Team tasked with designing the components
of the Solar Rack in SolidWorks and creating the blueprint for its manufacturing to
take place.
Susana Guzman
Susana was part of the 1/12 Solar Improvement Team. Her main responsibilities included
aiding in the design of the Solar Rack mounts in SolidWorks, being in charge of the
wiring management for the solar panel and ensuring there is no interference with the
1/12 scale track and bogie.
Neil Dey
Neil was part of the Spartan Superway 1/2 scale Active Suspension system team. His
main tasks included designing a "tilt mechanism" in SolidWorks that aims to be a self-leveling
system that retracts and expands over a large distance while traveling in a straight
line. In addition, Neil was in charge of providing the necessary calculations and
software results from MatLab and ANSYS before manufacturing it to be integrated with
the 1/2 scale bogie assembly.
Brean Aquino
Brean was part of the Spartan Superway 1/2 scale Active Suspension system team alongside
Neil. His main tasks included aiding in designing a "tilt mechanism" in SolidWorks.
Additionally, Brean was in charge of fabrication and assembling the parts of the suspension
system with the 1/2 scale bogie assembly.
Michael Kemp
Michael was part of the 1/2 scale Bogie, Steering and Failsafe team. The goals were
to change the material of the previous bogie design to reduce weight and buckling
while maintaining rigidity. Secondly, to integrate two linear actuators into the system
to minimize the number of linkages. Lastly, to add one wheel on each side of the bogie
instead of two as a failsafe so as to not overconstrain the system. Michael was responsible
for conducting FEA, design CAD drawings and manufacturing of the components.
Jorge Soto
Jorge was part of the 1/2 scale Bogie, Steering and Failsafe team alongside Michael.
Similar to Michael, Jorge was responsible for the design of the bogie components in
SolidWorks with a heavy emphasis on the failsafe portion of the project.
Craig Hudacko
Craig was part of the 1/2 Scale Braking and Suspensions Team tasked with ensuring
the bogie is able to move along the guideway and stop at stations. His responsibilities
include selecting a motor powerful enough to withstand the frictional forces while
braking, designing the Braking components in SolidWorks and prototyping parts out
of PLA filament.
Randy Castillo
Randy is the second member of the 1/2 Scale Braking and Suspensions Team tasked with
calculations and analysis of the braking system. Additionally, he was in charge of
the validation, testing and integration of the braking systems with the 1/2 scale
Patrick Ding
Patrick was part of the 1/2 Scale Mechatronics and Integration Systems team. This
team is responsible for maintaining the controls for the bogie movement. When a human
input is received on the control panel, the bogie control system must register the
steps needed to move each electrical component. Each sensor on the bogie is responsible
for relaying data to the microcontroller and algorithms uploaded to the microcontroller.
This is important because the bogie must iterate any possible safety checks on its
own when it encounters any danger. Patrick was responsible for drawing block diagram
schematics in addition to working on the code. Additionally, he collaborated with
the rest of the Half-Scale Team to ensure efficiency.
Matthew Hsiung
Matthew was part of the 1/2 Scale Wayside Power Team. The goal was to ensure that
energy can be supplied to the 1/2 Scale bogie so that onboard operation can continue
smoothly and all motors will be able to operate when necessary. Utilizing his skills
in welding, programming in C and Arduino and metalworking, Matthew successfully fabricated
a fourth rail system (essentially 2 lines of conductive material that are attached
to a power source, with one rail reserved for current and the other for return (ground)).
These rails will have a specified current and voltage derived from the power source
and will be tapped into using a collector shoe that is attached to the bogie and is
easily implemented.
Kha Pham
Kha was part of the 1/2 Scale Wayside Power Team. His contributions included designing
the fourth rail system assembly in SolidWorks in addition to successfully fabricating
and testing the fourth rail system and implementing it into the 1/2 Scale Bogie system.
Winter Saeedi
Winter was part of the Full Scale Railings and Supports Team tasked with designing
the first wooden prototype of the column. Winter was responsible with the thermal
expansion/contraction calculations for the beams and columns of the project for vibration
Claude Michel
Claude was the second member of the Full Scale Railings and Supports Team. He played
a pivotal role in designing the second prototype of the Railings and Supports in SolidWorks
along with utilizing cost-effective materials such as PVC, wood and PLA filament to
build prototypes.
Kathlyn Garces
Kathyln was the third member of Full Scale Railings and Supports Team. She was responsible
for concept generation for all four rail and support designs and conducted extensive
Finite Element Analysis on the models to test its safety and rigidity before manufacturing/prototyping.
Kevin Maligaya
Kevin was the last member of the Full Scale Railings and Supports Team. He was responsible
in the planning and manufacturing of the third and fourth prototypes of the support
and rail structures. In addition, he was in charge of the documentation of the group,
including generating a Bill of Materials and weekly updates.
To learn more about the 2016-2017 Spartan Superway team, visit their team blog below.