Mourtos, N.J., Reflection as a Way to Develop Engineering Process Skills, 1st ATINER
Annual International Conference on Engineering Education & Teaching, June 2016.
Mourtos, N.J., Integrating General Education Outcomes into a Senior Design Capstone
Experience, Proceedings, World Engineering Education Forum, December 2014.
Huet, I., Mourtos, N.J., Costa, N., Pacheco, O., Models for Research-Based Teaching
in Engineering Courses: A Case-Study at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and San
José State University (USA), Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Engineering
Education, September 2007.
Komives, C., Mourtos, N.J., Anagnos T., McMullin, K.: Enhancing Inquiry Skills in
Engineering through a University-School District Partnership, Proceedings, 9th International
Conference on Engineering Education, July 2006.
Mourtos, N.J., A Systematic Approach for Defining and Assessing Program Educational
Objectives and Outcomes, Proceedings, World Congress on Computer Science, Engineering,
and Technology Education, March 2006.
Mourtos, N.J., Program Outcomes and Assessment: A Sustainable, Systematic Process
for Continuous Improvement, Lead Paper, Proceedings, 9th Annual UICEE Conf. on Engineering
Education, February 2006 (Bronze Award).
Du, W.Y., Furman, B.J., Mourtos, N.J., On the Ability to Design Engineering Experiments,
Proceedings, 8th Annual UICEE Conference on Engineering Education, February 2005.
DeJong-Okamoto, N., Rhee, J., Mourtos, N.J., Educating Students to Understand the
Impact of Engineering Solutions in a Global / Societal Context, Invited Keynote Address,
Proceedings, 8th Annual UICEE Conference on Engineering Education, February 2005 (Diamond
Mourtos, N.J., DeJong-Okamoto, N., Rhee, J., Defining, Teaching and Assessing Problem
Solving Skills, Proceedings, 7th Annual UICEE Conference on Engineering Education, February
2004 (Silver Award).
Mourtos, N.J., Allen, E.L., Assessing the Effectiveness of a Faculty Instructional
Development Program, part 2: Teaching and Learning Styles, Lead Paper, Proceedings,
6th Annual UICEE Conference on Engineering Education, February 2003.
Mourtos, N.J., Allen, E.L., Assessing the Effectiveness of a Faculty Development Program,
part 1: Cooperative Learning, Lead Paper, Proceedings, Global Congress on Engineering
Education, July 2000.
Mourtos, N.J., A Model of Learning as it applies to Engineering, Proceedings, ASEE
/ IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, November 1996.
Mourtos, N.J., The Nuts & Bolts of Cooperative Learning in Engineering, Honorable
Mention, Ben Dasher Award Committee, Proceedings, ASEE / IEEE Frontiers in Education
Conference, November 1994.
Mourtos, N.J., Using Cooperative Learning in Engineering Courses, Proceedings, ASEE
Pacific South-West Conference, September 1994.
Desautel, D., Hunter, J., Mourtos, N.J., Pernicka, H., Development and Integration
of Modern Laboratories in Aerospace Education, Proceedings, AIAA Aerospace Ground
Testing Conference, July 1992.
Mourtos, N.J., An Integrated Lecture / Laboratory Sequence in Aerodynamics, Proceedings,
ASEE Annual Conference, June 1990.
Mourtos, N.J., SJSU Development of Aircraft Design Laboratory, Proceedings, ASEE Annual
Conference, June 1990.
Mourtos, N.J., Service Learning in Aerodynamics at San José State University, Proceedings,
2nd International Engineering and Technology Education Conference, November 2013.
Mourtos, N.J., Woodrow, P., Student-Led Active Learning Workshops: Increasing Student
Retention, Decreasing Time to Graduation and Providing High-Performing Students with
Opportunities to Develop Coaching Skills, Proceedings, World Engineering Education
Forum, October 2012.
Mourtos, N.J., Teaching Engineering Design Skills, Proceedings, 1st International
Engineering and Technology Education Conference, January 2011.
Mourtos, N.J., Challenges Students Face in Solving Open-Ended Problems, Proceedings,
7th ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, October 2008.
Anagnos, T., Komives, C., Mourtos, N.J., McMullin, K.M., Evaluating Student Mastery
of Design of Experiment, Proceedings, 37th IEEE / ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference,
October 2007.
Mourtos, N.J., An Engineering Approach to Course Design, Proceedings, 6th ASEE Global
Colloquium on Engineering Education, October 2007.Mourtos, N.J., McMullin, K., A Comparison
of Student Learning and Satisfaction in Online and Onground Engineering Courses, Proceedings,
4th Annual UICEE Conference on Engineering Education, February 2001.