General Engineering

Ping Hsu

Congratulations to all BSGE and MSE graduates! We are proud of your achievement! Best wishes for your next endeavor!

Gregory Courand

Find your gifts by giving them.

Dear Spartan graduates, Finishing out this term under the pandemic has been difficult and at times strange. It is hard not grieve for what is lost, hard not to resent the changes — especially when we see others harmed and find our future uncertain. Still, as those of you who’ve had me in ENGR 195B know, my work and thinking tell me humanity is at the front edge of epochal change. And so there is a kind of good fortune in this timing, for you. You, more than those before you, graduate into the world unfettered by the idea of ‘getting back to normal’, or even, of a ‘new normal.’ You’ve been given the gift of living in interesting times — which is said to be a curse, but is, equally, a blessing and a call to deeper value. There is room to create, room to leave aside some of the flawed patterns and narrow thinking that got us here, room to become. If you embrace this you’ll find a way and you’ll make a way — for yourself, with those around you, and within the larger systems you’ll contribute to. Periodically, you’ll even make sense of your journey! So go find your gifts by giving them; they are gifts we will need. I am optimistic for you all, and for us all.